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Sunday, August 28, 2011

The secret to my Flawless Skin

Spot the differences between the 2 photos up there? LOL she is me...:D. aha... it not because im using the Fair&lovely cream nor my Elysyle's Eternal Beauty massager that i bought last year from Elken and i was sicked off to pay RM 2000 just for it hahahaha...but it because im using the editing photo software. it was an instant beauty touch that u can apply to your photo to get an immediate result. woman like me love this much. Agree me ka?

well i had this software from a friends of mine. She was a patient was previously admitted to my ward actually. upon her stays in the ward i kept saw her facing her laptop almost 12 hours everyday by doing something.she is a Teacher might be you want to know.. I approached her lastly, curiously want to get know. then she show me the pictures.. most of them was already edited and she also show me the original one to compare them as well.

I was stunning a moment.I was tought she was using any of the photoshops software but nope, it's none of them. then she were gladly told me about the tool she's been using for, the software was named "Mei tu Xiu Xiu" photo editing. I share u this link in Googles Translation Page; http://translate.google.com.my/translate?hl=en&sl=zh-CN&u=http://xiuxiu.meitu.com/&ei=SW5OTv2bNMKGrAfhg-SOAw&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCYQ7gEwAA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dmei%2Btu%2Bxiu%2Bxiu%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D653%26prmd%3Divnso

last time, i was doing the editing job by using the photoshop element 7 but it was too complicated and difficult for the beginners. But of course undeniable that Photoshop is a Pro tools for editing if u can masters them so u shall granted the lots of lots benefit from it.

"Mei tu xiu xiu" photo editing also is a fun tools, it easy and friendly to it users. so guys try it out....^ ^